Co-Editors Timothy C. Hart, Ph.D. & Paul Zandbergen, Ph.D
• ISSN: 1942-0927 (Print) • ISSN: 2152-9876 (Online)
Keywords: Environmental Criminology, Crime Analysis, Space, Time, and Crime
Issue Price: $36.99 | Article Price: $18.99
Crime Mapping: A Journal of Research and Practice is now accepting manuscript submissions for its next issue. Submissions should focus on (1) the theoretical dimension of crime mapping and analysis (i.e., the use of GIS techniques to advance the scientific body of knowledge with respect to criminological theories such as routine activities theory, crime pattern theory, or environmental criminology), (2) some applied aspect of crime mapping and analysis that addresses issues related to GIS and the administration of justice (i.e., ways GIS techniques are used to aid in management decision making, strategic planning, and/or tactical analysis), or (3) new technologies and/or techniques related to conducting spatial or temporal analysis in the field of criminology or criminal justice.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as an email attachment sent to Submissions should include appropriate contact information. Click here for submission guidelines.