Co-Editors Timothy C. Hart, Ph.D. & Paul Zandbergen, Ph.D
• ISSN: 1942-0927 (Print) • ISSN: 2152-9876 (Online)
Keywords: Environmental Criminology, Crime Analysis, Space, Time, and Crime
Article Price: $18.99
Evaluating Geographic Profiling
Abstract | Pp. 42–65 |
This article discusses the evaluation of geographic profiling and examines the debate surrounding this question. Most would agree that precision in determining the location of an offender's base is the most important geoprofiling evaluation criterion. However, there has been confusion on how best to measure this, with much controversy focused on evaluations that are derivatives of the problematic "error distance." To be meaningful, any measurement metric must accurately reflect how police detectives use geographic profiling in an actual criminal investigation. Only hit score percentage (search cost) meets this requirement. A comprehensive approach to evaluating geographic profiling must also consider applicability and utility, as well as performance.