CJ Research
Crime Mapping Jacket

Crime Mapping: A Journal of Research and Practice

Co-Editors Timothy C. Hart, Ph.D. & Paul Zandbergen, Ph.D

ISSN: 1942-0927 (Print) • ISSN: 2152-9876 (Online)

Keywords: Environmental Criminology, Crime Analysis, Space, Time, and Crime

Article Price: $18.99

Linking Origins with Destinations for DWI Motor Vehicle Crashes: An Application of Crime Travel Demand Modeling
Abstract | Pp. 7–41 |

A crime travel demand model was developed for 862 Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) motor vehicle crash trips that occurred in Baltimore County, Maryland between 1999 and 2001. Factors associated with the residence location of the drivers were population size, a high percentage of non-Hispanic White persons, a greater number of bars, a greater number of liquor stores, and living farther from central Baltimore while factors associated with the DWI crash locations were population size, a high percentage of non-Hispanic White persons, lower relative household incomes, higher levels of retail employment, a greater number of bars, and being adjacent to the Baltimore Beltway. A disproportionate number of DWI crashes occurred on the eastern part of the county. A model of trip links between origins and destinations was made in order to evaluate factors effecting DWI crashes. DWI citations did not appear to reduce the number of DWI crashes. However, using a simulation, it was estimated that a 6% overall reduction in DWI crashes could be obtained by targeting 3% of the origin zones and 6% of the destination zones with anti-DWI efforts. The crime travel demand model is useful for modeling interventions as well as alternative scenarios.

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